Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A little heartbreak.

I know I wasn't the only person to wake up several times last night to check the progression of the presidential election results. I tried to let it go and get some sleep and to rest up for one of my busy Wednesdays. After waking up to the results, I paused over my coffee and thought to myself, well it will be very interesting to say the least. It was like when I went through my terrible divorce. Before bed and to get myself thru the night I would say to myself, "what could happen tomorrow?" I would just have to wake up each morning to find out! I will be fine. It is the children who I worry about. I talked to one of my sweet little friends at school today. A happy, little Mexican 5th grader came in with a very long and solemn face. I asked her how she was and she looked into my eyes and I will never forget it, "I don't like Donald Trump. he scares me." and she was almost in tears. I told her not to worry about what she has been told and to know that people will hopefully stop him from doing anything bad. What else do you say to reassure her about so many bad things she may have heard? Imagine to be so scared for your future at such a young age. I hope we all pray very hard that our country and way of living can focus on being the kind of friends, neighbors and citizens that each other deserves. Let's make each other proud that we are a kind, sympathetic and generous nation. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. So true! Maybe we will all be a little more aware of how we are treating each other. Peace! Mom
