Sunday, October 5, 2014

Conveyor Belt of Conformity

Hopefully, you're not on it. Or in the brainwashed mainstream. It's gotten bad, hasn't it? Lately, it's the phones! I like the "basics" when it comes to technology. And the basics in life too. My first stereo came from the JC Penney outlet store and had dents, scrapes and a record player with an 8 track tape player. I think it was $35. I hauled it around with me for years! It was simple, cheap and worked without any issues. Just set it up, plug the 2 speakers in and enjoy! Well, yesterday while on a leisurely shopping trip with my daughter, (on a hunt for warm winter boots) I noticed the "I Phone" store. It was packed with people inside and out. It seems the store is so popular and in such high demand that they only allow a certain amount of shoppers in the store at a time. Still in the mall, right across from the store, there is a holding tank of sorts. There were about 30 people (most of them on cell phones!) waiting to be invited into the store. It just looked so odd to me. And it made a good point to me. It made me realize that I am definately in the older generation and proud of it. i enjoy simplicity and being satisfied. I do not have to have the latest and greatest. I am content with the basics and at least in regards to all of the cell phones, I will not be riding on the conveyor belt searching for electronic gadgets to make me happy. I still don't understand why being so in touch with everyone all of the time is such a good thing. I will not be in the holding tank any time soon. Hashtag,,,feeling cantankerous!

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