Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Angels and Afghans

I was brought up to believe in guardian angels and that they are always surrounding us. Since my downward health spiral back about 12 years ago, I have felt the presence of my maternal Grandma. Grandma Irene appeared in many of my dreams around that time period. I thought that maybe some of those dreams may have been as a result of heavy sedation drugs. Now I believe that she was coming to me in my dreams to offer comfort, love and support. I still feel her all around me. She is there when i am laughing, visiting friends and family, cooking, and just enjoying life. I have been experiencing remission of my health condition for many, many years now. I lost my Grandma Irene about 20 years ago. Lately at night it has been quite chilly here in Minnesota, so I pull out my favorite afghan. Grandma crocheted it for me and my ex-husband as an engagement gift. Even though the outcome of that union did not survive, I still get unmeasurable comfort from the treasured, handmade blanket. I always feel proud to tell about a small part of her and my stories to whomever is covering me up at night. I am reminded of the power of guardian angels by watching a new show called, "Angels Among Us." It is on TLC network on sunday nights. I continue to find it fascinating and comforting. Check it out!


  1. I believe Angels are among us to! :) Will have to check out that show. Hope you are doing good. Need to plan a night to come and hang out and bring dinner!! Chow mein?


    1. Hi Cheryl. YES, chow mein is a great choice!
