Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Grand Old Loved Day.

Being single and able to do whatever the heck I want on a sunday afternoon, I chose a visit to Grand Avenue Grand Old Day. It was this past sunday. It was perfect weather. Sunny and hot, but not too hot. However, I think it was a bit too warm for the many four legged friends that were roaming about with their masters. Oh sure, the many vendors and organizations have water bowls down, but the pups take one whiff of the previous drinkers and back way off. I digress. I like to go just for the sheer people watching! I saw many young people and maybe folks a bit older? But not too many seniors...or pre-seniors like myself. One of the reasons why one of the senior men stood out was because he was holding two rolled up snakes on his forearms! I couldn't believe that people were actually approaching him in order to pet them? And of course he loved that. Just showing off his reptilian kids. I guess that is after all what makes the best people watching and reptile viewing??? Well, whatever the fact was I had a great time and crossed that hot little event right off of the summer bucket list. Yay. It definately went by too fast and I want to go back already.

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