Monday, January 26, 2015

Yes, The Dreaded FLU Got Me!

Don't ask me who I got it from and if I got my flu shot! I live 24/7 on a ventilator, of course I am going to get the flu shot! Yes, finally after 4 looong days of fighting it off, I can actually hold a conversation with someone. Eat some real food and make it thru a television show. (Not including commercials) I am writing to tell you that Tamiflu is so worth it. At the 1st sign of those dreadful chills and body aches, you have about a day and half to get the prescription. "They" say it may not work for everyone, just like the flu shot, but it is the only thing besides nebulizers and Tylenol that you can do. And of course, it won't prevent the flu, but I am so glad my Doctor reminded me of it! Stay well.

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