Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lindsey Lohan, A Pick Me Up?

Last weekend is all but forgotten now, but at the time, I was laying low on Saturday. I had remembered my radio gals talking about "Lindsey" on OWN. aka Lindsey Lohan. (Oprah Winfrey Network.) I tuned in. At first the disfunction of her life was almost too much even for me! Then, as what usually happens with a kind of out there celebrity, I was pulled in. So far, there are 4 episodes. I watched all four. Maybe I was in a strange way comfortable watching chaos. She was moving to a New York apartment and trying to downsize...relate! Well, not the NY part. The downsizing part. She had moving vans full of stuff. The thing with these shows about fallen stars is that it will make me feel a bit better at how organized I think that I am! I will sometimes think of what it would be like in a world where everyone;lives in a wheelchair, on a vent., has 24 hour nursing in and out of their homes, on an unstable income, a bit scattered. What a world that would be. Thank God for distractions like this show. It helps me find a little peace in my little life. On the upswing of things, I had a fabulous day last Sunday with my daughter and parents. Just us four, the next day had hair styling day, entertained friends,(well, they entertained me more) and today had a great time at school with E. Spring seems to be here, all is good!

1 comment:

  1. You are so in tune and I love the Callyn Christmas photo. She should use that as her Facebook photo. Love you! Mom
