Saturday, October 5, 2013

Project Down and Dirty

The FM 107 talk radio hosts participated in a fund raising event this week. They were basically locked in at Camp Ripley Army base in Little falls MN for 4 days I believe. The teams of two were competing against each other in order to raise $ for troops and their families who are left behind. They provide basic necessities to the families who are in need. Like maybe a new furnace or a car repair. One of the teams had Jason Matheson. I was able to meet him last winter. He has a very big personality and seems to wear his heart on his sleeve. He shares every aspect about his life. One of the events that the hosts participated in was an obstacle course. He shared how he was the fat kid in elementary gym class. He continues to have weight struggles and never feels good enough. he even went to the extreme of having lipo suction just a few months back. Anyways, he completed the course with his partner and had a very good time of 5 and 1/2 minutes or something. This was despite the fact that his partner, Alexis actually fell from a cargo net. (she is ok) This event just brought back so many gym class memories for me. I really struggled with almost every activity that we did. I wasn't diagnosed with my muscular dystrophy until my last year in college, so I participated in plenty of activities. I do feel blessed that I was able to have each experience that I did. It was not unusual for me to do all of the games, sports and special things like: skiing, going to camp and making it through college. Sure, it was never easy, but I did them and feel so fortunate. Back to Jason. One of the Officers In Command ended up giving him a special award for overcoming his fears and completing all assigned tasks with more than just a good time and score, but completing them with such a positive attitude. I was riveted to the live streaming and all of the emotions that it captured. Way to go Jason.

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