Friday, May 23, 2014

I Dreamt Big. Or So I Thought.

This may sound very "surface" thinking to many, but back in the mid-eighties, I honestly couldn't have dreamt bigger than living in Malibu, CA. Ok, a little bigger with maybe thinking that Don Johnson and I could be in a relationship. Not too outrageous right? Well, when I recently heard local "celebrity" Elizabeth Ries say that she was still paying off her student loans, I thought wow, with her status of working not one, but two major local broadcasting gigs here in the city, how does any average mass communication major or her major which was Journalism, have even a minor shot at this? Just how big was her ideal job? And now, She has TWO major jobs. And she is still paying off her student loans. At age 36 I believe? I may be on a strange tangeant here, but what's it all for? How big were her dreams that she now after maybe 10 years, her loans haven't been payed off. I still like the older way of thinking. "What Color is Your Parachute?" Simply meaning, find what you love to do and figure out a way to make money at it. On that simple and basic note and way of thinking,My God Bless your family on Memorial Weekend 2014. May it be more to you and yours than just what's on the grill. Or how much you are paying for "education." Have a safe and memorable Memorial Day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I second that! What happended to displaying the American Flag people. buy one and put it on display! thank you, Mom
